Avery w/ wife Misty, son Aiden, and daughter Mia.
First of all, I am a follower of Jesus Christ. God has shown His infinite mercy on me by calling me to be His child. I did not deserve His grace, and still don't. I guess that is why they call it grace. I have a desire to see the church return to its roots. To see christians who recognize they are no better than non-christians. Christians who recognize we are all sinners. But, there is a big difference; christians are justified sinners. And this is a work of the deep love of Christ.
I am also the husband of literally the most beautiful woman in the world. And on top of that, she is an amazingly loving mother. She is also super talented and creative. When i say creative...I mean it! Just ask her to paint a Van Gogh for you. She can do it! It's insane.
I also have kids. And I think they are amazing. They are not perfect, but I am extrememly blessed to have them. My son and daughter light up my world and have pushed me to walk closer with Jesus.
I pastor Trinity Baptist Church in Hammond, LA. I began in ministry in 1996 after knowing God was calling me to His service. God has continued to sustain us throug over 20 years of ministry. My prayer is that I can just be useful to God while I am on this earth. I pray that this site will help people come to know Christ and for countless more to grow in their walk with Christ.